Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First Post

This first post is a test post, just to see how text looks upon this page, as to get the full effect. Here I will ramble on and on and not care about grammar or even spelling, though I am a totally awesome speller and don't often make mistakes, anyway. Also, soon as are going to put in a paragraph to see how those look! In fact, let's do that right now.

Well, would you look at that! Here is our second paragraph of our first post. Isn't it shapely? Isn't it... texty? Har, har. Hilarious. So, just to beef this thing up a little bit, I need to walk the dog pretty much right after I save this. Then I need to get my ass to the gym, because my ass is slowly growing. Let's do another paragraph.

Check this baby out. Ohhh yeah. So, where was I? Ah, yes. The gym. Then I'm gonna come on home and continue reading that dang Anna Karenina despite the fact that I'm at a Levin part and Levin parts are by far the most boring. Then we'll hunker down with a little Adventure Time and then time for zeds! End test post.